utbildning | Sökare i det 21:a århundradet https://www.stefanhellsten.com Leg psykolog | Stockholm | EDIV Wed, 12 Jan 2022 09:35:51 +0000 sv-SE hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://www.stefanhellsten.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-Resize_20230305_235836_6591-32x32.jpg utbildning | Sökare i det 21:a århundradet https://www.stefanhellsten.com 32 32 137133859 Masterutbildning i England https://www.stefanhellsten.com/masterutbildning-i-england/ Tue, 27 Jun 2017 05:47:04 +0000 http://newagewatch.com/?p=2645 Masterutbildning vid University of Salford, med start i september 2017. Utbildningen fokuserar på “coercive control”, som det nog inte finns någon bra svensk översättning till, men som väl inrymmer sådant som destruktivt ledarskap, manipulation, otillbörlig påverkan, etc. This course provides advanced insights and knowledge of cutting edge practice and research about coercive control and behaviour and its development and effects on individuals, families and organisations. You will develop a deep understanding of the psychological processes involved in coercive and controlling behaviour across a variety of settings including in domestic relationships, human trafficking and groups and organisations more widely

The post Masterutbildning i England first appeared on Sökare i det 21:a århundradet.
