Charlotte Ward | Sökare i det 21:a århundradet Leg psykolog | Stockholm | EDIV Sun, 17 Sep 2023 15:18:40 +0000 sv-SE hourly 1 Charlotte Ward | Sökare i det 21:a århundradet 32 32 137133859 Konspirationsandlighet (Conspirituality) Sat, 09 Oct 2021 18:22:44 +0000 Är det Covid-19 som höjt temperaturen och till sist fått allt att brista, för folk man trodde man kände? Och som sänkt tröskeln för allt möjligt konspiratoriskt man är beredd att acceptera som sant eller åtminstone “intressant”… Jules Evans om “conspirituality”: There are two mood one finds in the history of spirituality, going back to Gnosticism and running through Romanticism. On the one hand, there is the euphoric mood — the universe is conspiring in your favour, you can fulfil your divine potential, you can change the world simply by changing your thoughts. If enough people raise their consciousness, a new age of love will dawn on the planet. This is Oprah’s inspiring gospel. But then the new age of love doesn’t happen, adversity strikes, the economy tanks, shit goes wrong. And the dreamers start to ask, why hasn’t the age of love dawned? What or who is blocking us? That’s when paranoid conspiracies can arise. As Isaiah Berlin puts it in his lectures on romanticism: “There is another, more pessimistic, version [of Romanticism]… Although we individuals seek to liberate ourselves, yet the universe is not to be tamed in this easy fashion. There is something behind, something in the...

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